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Selectmen's Minutes 2011/12/19

Meeting 6:30PM at the Town Meeting Room
Monday, December 19, 2011

Present: Frederick Gallup Chairman, Charlotte Brown, Suzanne Gottling and Donna Nashawaty, Town Manager.

Also Present: see attached sign-up sheet.

Review of Items for Signature
Motion to approve the following CZC’s by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown Parcel ID 0126-0027-0000, 92 Garnet Hill, Jeff & Lindsay Paul.
Parcel ID 0104-0081-0000, 1005 Lake Ave. Edward & Jacqueline Jewell. All in Favor.
Motion to approve the following Sign Permit by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling Parcel ID 0104-0080-0001, 1294 Route 11, Otter Square Realty (2) Parcel ID 0104-0080-0001, 1294 Route 11, Otter Square Realty (1) All in Favor.

Chairman Gallup took a moment to acknowledge the passing of  Selectman William Roach. Chairman Gallup went on to say that Selectman “Bill” Roach will be missed and he will be remembered for his many years of dedicated service to the Town of Sunapee and his wisdom as a Selectman.

Harbor House Livery Committee
Betsy Katz and Mike Durfor, representing the Harbor House Livery Committee have come to request the Board’s support on the proposed article to be placed on the March 2012 warrant. The article is as follows: “Are you in favor of the Town raising and appropriating the sum of $15,000 to be added to the 58 Main Street Capital Reserve Fund as established by Article 20 of the 2008 Town Meeting, to continue restoring and renovating the building at 58 Main Street known as the “livery”, and to change the name of this Capital Reserve Fund to the “Harbor House Livery Capital Reserve Fund”.  Motion to put the article as presented by the Harbor House Livery Committee on the 2012 warrant by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Smith. All in Favor.
Chairman Gallup read the resignation submitted by Dana Ramspott, Chairman Harbor House Livery Committee. Motion to accept Dana Ramspott’s resignation from the Harbor House Livery Committee by Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Gotting. All in Favor.
Motion to hold public hearings in regards to the Ludwig property on January 30th and February 13th by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.

Barbara Sullivan-Project Sunapee
Barbara Sullivan on behalf of Project Sunapee is here to ask the town to accept the bridge abutment donation. Chairman Gallup asked if it was a large enough donation to trigger a public hearing. Donna Nashawaty stated that a public hearing must be held if the donation is over $5,000. Barbara Sullivan didn’t know what the amount, which included services. Gene Hall didn’t think the amount would be over $5,000.
Selectman Gottling said that it was based on value, not the dollar amount.  Motion to hold a public hearing on January 30th to accept the bridge abutment gift from Project Sunapee donation by Selectman Brown, seconded by Selectman Gottling. All in Favor.
As a non-profit group Barbara Sullivan requested that the Board waive the permitting fees for the bridge abutment. Motion to waive the permitting fees for Selectman Smith, seconded by Selectman Brown. All in Favor.
•Barbara Sullivan also asked that the Board consider the covered bridge sketch for cover of this year’s town report.

Public Comments
•Representative Spec Bowers gave a report on the redistricting. Spec Bowers said the Budget Advisory Committee recommended the 2% COLA.
Peter Urbach updated the Board on the question that was asked at the last BOS meeting regarding the warrant article for the Library bank loan in the amount of $975,000; the question was what would be the annual cost of that loan be? The quote from Lake Sunapee Savings Bank was at 2.62%, which would work out to $62,700 per year. Also last week the Water & Sewer Commission approved the request of Claremont Savings Bank to take over the water and sewer main that will run under the driveway to the Library.     
• Rick Macmillan gave a brief description of the Big Brothers/Big Sisters program, which requested a $400 annual contribution. Chairman Gallup stated that a number of charitable requests have been received and need to be reviewed by the Board of Selectmen. Chairman Gallup thanked Mr. Macmillan for presenting the Big Brother/Big Sister program to the Board and said his request will be considered.  

Selectmen Action
Motion to accept the revised certificate of compliance decision sheet by Selectman Gottling, seconded by Selectman Smith. Selectman Gottling would just like “and” inserted after the word “application” in Part I-D. Selectman Brown wanted to know why in Part II-A it changed from excavation or land disturbance 250” of a great pond to 300” of a great pond, but in Part II-B cutting trees within 250” of a great pond remained the same. Donna Nashawaty will check with Roger Landry, but thought Part II-A was in accordance with the state and Part II-B was in accordance with the town ordinance. Selectman Brown also noted that a land disturbance fee was added. Chairman Gallup read the changes to the certificate of compliance decision sheet.  All in Favor   

Manager Report
•Donna Nashawaty passed out the draft of the warrant articles and asked the Board to review.  
Donna Nashawaty has given the budget pages back to the Bookkeeping Department with the note edits, will reproduce and get the new budget pages out to the Board before the January 3rd meeting.
•The Board will need to decide the on the order of the warrant articles by Monday, January 30th.  
•Selectman Gottling asked if the Board needed to decide on the new charitable requests; Casa, Red Cross, Community Transportation Program and Big Brother/Big Sister. Selectman Brown asked if the Board was going to do something different with the COLA increase based on the Budget Advisory Committee recommendation of a 2% COLA instead of a 3% COLA. Chairman Gallup stated the Board has discussed and agreed on the 3% COLA and freezing the pay table. Selectman Gottling said it doesn’t seem to her that the Board is being excessive; some places are doing step raises and the Town of Sunapee is just giving the 3% COLA, which is below what the Northeast CPI-U of 3.6%. Donna Nashawaty said the Board needs to decide on the new chartable requests. Chairman Gallup would be inclined not to fund the transportation program; the town had funded the transportation program and got no use out of it for years. Selectman Gottling agreed with Chairman Gallup. Chairman Gallup asked how the Board felt about funding the Bog Brother/Big Sister program. Selectman Smith would like to wait until next meeting to make a decision so some research could be done on the program. Selectman Gottling suggested talking to a counselor at the high school about the Big Brother/Big Sister program. Donna Nashawaty said the others were CASA, which the Board turned down last year and the Red Cross, neither has asked to give a presentation to the Board.  Selectman Gottling would rather give the employees the 3% COLA than fund the new charitable requests. Chairman Gallup asked the Board to think about the new programs and the Board will decide at the January 3rd meeting.        

Meeting Adjourned at 8:17PM
Submitted by,
Barbara Vaughn
Administrative Assistant                                


____________________                            ______________________
Frederick Gallup, Chairman                              Charlotte Brown

_________________________               _____________________________
Emma M. Smith                                               Suzanne H. Gottling